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Gods & Goddesses Persa There are many gods and
goddesses of this time. Most taken from other areas and
incorporated into daily Persian life. Interestingly,
Zoroaster's (Median Prophet) teachings arise and the
first Apocolyptic religious beliefs occur.
Gods & Demons Ormazd (Ahura
Ahriman (Ahura
Aeshma Daeva
Zrvan Akaran
In the following story of the world's creation, we can see many other civilization's creation myths. Zrvan Akaran produced
light and from this light Ormazd was born. Ormazd in turn
created the world.
Ahriman, the second born of Zrvan Akaran, was jealous
of Ormazd and was ultimately banished into darkness after
seducing woman in the War.
The War
From the destroyed Bull,
Ormazd made the first man and woman. Ahriman quickly
seduced the woman with milk and fruit so that mankind
fell into sin. Then to further counter the "good"
creatures/beings that Ormazd was making, Ahrima made
harmful creatures.
The basics of the Apocolyptic teachings are very
simple. Redemption comes at judgement day, the advent of
a savior. A flood of metal will destroy the wicked and
the righteous will pass unharmed. Once good and evil are
parted from each other, Ormazd will establish his good
kingdom. The dead will arise and hell will be purified
then the world will be claimed and everyone will be
deathless and everlasting.
Coming May: The Hebrews!